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Webmaschine Filztuchfabrik Rodewisch

Visit Saxony's Textile Hub

Whether it be training, research and development, or machine and plant construction, yarn production, knitted fabrics, and ready-made clothing, a suitable partner can be found for every requirement in Saxony. “Visit Saxony’s Texile Hub “ - come and see what Saxony’s Textile Hub has to offer.

The program will include such topics as the exchange of knowledge about state-of-the-art technologies, technical textile solutions for tomorrow, and their applications today.

The program will start with an official and virtual welcoming event, followed by video presentations of the business location Saxony, virtual company visits as well as matchmaking events with chat options and virtual B2B meetings. A virtual speed networking event will also be one of the highlights.

Treffen Sie Partner aus der sächsischen Textilindustrie

Ob Ausbildung, Forschung und Entwicklung oder Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Garnherstellung, Gewirke und Konfektionskleidung - für jede Anforderung in Sachsen ist ein passender Partner zu finden. „Besuchen Sie den Texile Hub in Sachsen“ - sehen Sie, was der Textile Hub in Sachsen zu bieten hat.

Das Programm umfasst Themen wie den Wissensaustausch über modernste Technologien, technische Textillösungen für morgen und deren Anwendungen heute.

Das Programm beginnt mit einer offiziellen und virtuellen Begrüßungsveranstaltung, gefolgt von Videopräsentationen des Wirtschaftsstandorts Sachsen, virtuellen Unternehmensbesuchen sowie Matchmaking-Veranstaltungen mit Chat-Optionen und virtuellen B2B-Meetings. Ein virtuelles Speed-Networking-Event wird ebenfalls eines der Highlights sein.

Foto Header: F. Rosenbaum, Ort: Filztuchfabrik Rodewisch



  • Products for environmental protection, disposal, and recycling; filter media; landfill textiles
  • Products for agriculture and forestry, gardening and landscaping


  • Products in membrane, lightweight, and solid construction as well as in earth, water and road construction, textile roofing
  • Products for road construction and civil engineering 


  • All kind of products for clothing and footwear with focus on functionality and / or sustainability
  • Practical weatherproof textiles that are protecting against UV rays, cold
  • Shoe textiles


  • Products for the manufacture of furniture, upholstery, carpets, floor coverings, flame-retardant textiles, or other textiles with a primary focus on functionality


  • Products for the the mechanical, chemical and electrical industries
  • Smart textiles with additional applications


  • Products for packaging, confection, transport


  • Products for medicine, hygiene, and the life sciences


  • Products for aircraft construction and shipbuilding, the automotive sector, rail vehicle, space technology, and the travel industry
  • Interior fittings, protective covers, tapes, seals, filters


  • Products for personal and property protection; work clothing; survival equipment


  • Products for sports and leisure; functional sportswear; outdoor equipment

Fibers & Materials

  • Woven and nonwoven technologies and materials ranging from standard yarns to high performance yarns  and structures made from sustainable natural materials and polymers as well as recycled materials

Machinery & Equipment

  • Saxony's traditional strengths include the manufacture of textile machinery.
  • Machine construction and the textile industry are characterized by mutual cooperation and innovation.

University & Research

  • Research and education are the foundation for pioneering future developments.
  • The research is geared towards the needs and requirements of industry.

 Services & Consulting

  • In addition to production companies, find also local support, business model creators, and coaches as well as industry enablers. 


Meet Saxony's textile industry at events and exhibitions, fairs, etc.     


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